There are no ugly women, just lazy ones!
Almost three months ago, my very cool 'cul-de-sac' crew challenged me into becoming a "Va-va-voom woman" Their words exactly! :-) They went ahead and invented a sexy experiment mainly to help me up my game. And as you now, I failed the experiment. But i did promise that i would make a major comeback after being given pointers on how to bring my sexy back. To say the least, i was excited to begin my journey. Now, for those who don't know me, I have never really had any kind of fashion sense or style or anything to do with looking good.I am a natural. And at times proud of it! :-) I don't know why or how, but when it comes to matters dressing, saying i suck, is putting it way too mildly! I remember, immediately after high school, i worked in a salon for two years. It is here that i got to experiment with a little bit of beauty stuff; nail polish, fake eyelashes, new hairstyles.., i even got my second and third ear piercing and dyed my hair red d...