What is it with you, Mijikendas?
Lazy, Nyika (bush people), illiterate, ignorant and LAZY! I bet somewhere they have coined a riddle to this effect by now. If they haven't then here it is, 'What is lazy, illiterate and ignorant?!' Heheheh! First, i am tribal! Yes, I am indeed tribal. And i feel that as a Kenyan, i need not explain myself, because you get me, right? Yes, i know you do. Secondly, i never like being on the losing side. No, i like winning. It is like an addiction that drives me so insane that one way or another i have to go back and take that one last sniff. Only that i definitely know that it will not be the last, just like any addiction. So you can imagine my deeply entrenched agony then to belong to the nine tribes of the Kenyan Coast! One way or another, in the course of my almost adult and adult life, i have always found myself defending the reputation, actions and mindset of my people. I have found myself coming up with explanations, rationalities and even excuses for what ...