Mystery is definitely a lady.
I just had to find the dictionary to be sure. And mystery is defined as something that is difficult to understand or comprehend. Talking of mystery somehow reminds me of a song by Kenny Rogers. I think I first heard this song when I was in high school. At my uncles place in buruburu. I remember thinking, wow! So powerful a message in so little words. And I fell in love with it. It talks something about knowing when to hold on, fold out, walk away or when to run. It has been said that a wise person always holds his cards close to his chest. Arms folded, palms on chest I assume? Recently, my folding resilience was tested. I had to look people in the eye and pretend that nothing was going on. Hide critical information. Participate in forming plans that I knew I would not be executing. And not give a clue away. I had to be mysterious. Well, I think I may have pulled it off. Of course, coupled with me ending up with sweating palms, smelly armpits, trembling legs, anxiety, a...