...a roll of tissue and a pen.

The other day I was chatting with a friend during a long bus drive to Mombasa. I love traveling, I always have. Since I discovered the secret to not gushing my intestines out every time I am in a vehicle, I have loved traveling.

For as long as I can remember, I have dreaded traveling. I dreaded entering into a vehicle that was moving and was full of people. I always felt like I was suffocating, and then this suffocation would move to nausea, and nausea to a  flowing of all the contents of my intestines onto whatever and whoever was near me, that would leave me wrenching in pain and embarrassment. Mostly embarrassment.  I hated cars to say the least.

 But I have come to learn how to deal with this menace. Growing up makes you wiser, after all.
  1. You avoid food six hours before the traveling moment
  2. Once in the vehicle, distract yourself from the stuffiness and the possibility that you might be dying slowly from suffocation as a result of the other people with bigger noses taking up all the oxygen
  3. Sleep the whole journey
  1. Carry a couple of black paper bags just incase

So the other day I was chatting to a friend during an 8 hour bus drive to Mombasa. Yes, all in a bid to distract myself, as sleep had cruelly evaded me without reason.
Now, the reason why I love travelling is not so much because I now trust my stomach to behave itself while it is in a car. No, not at all.
To be honest, i actually carry with me a couple of paper bags, a leso, two rolls of tissue, Orbit chewing gum, some perfume and a pair of extra panties, as it does happen, sometimes when I am throwing my stomach out, that my bladder goes loose!!! Yap!I said that!

Not to worry though, actually my bodily functions have been behaving themselves so well these last two years. However, as my sister always states about everything,
 "It is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it"
So I carry my emergency pack with me every time like a ritual. After all, you never know.

So, as I was saying, I was chatting to this friend of mine. And that I love travelling. The thing is, I like sitting with people I do not know when I am traveling. One, because if it does happen that I puke on them, the disgust on their face will disappear once we go our separate ways. Two, because I can control whatever conversation we have or do not have. And three because I believe I like meeting new people.

Also, while traveling, I carry along my music, my laptop and a notebook and a pen, because you can never be prepared enough when that million dollar idea pops into your head, or when that inspiration strikes.

And this is truly why I love traveling.

It is when I am traveling that that sixth sense within me awakens,
the one that makes you hear that silent cord or voice in a song that you had not heard before,
the one that makes you see all this beauty you were blind to before,
the one that makes you remember those memories you never thought you had,
the one that awakens such life, such passion, such creativity and such determination.
The one that rejuvenates you, 

The one that enables you to see life from a different perspective...from the eye of an observer!


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