A Coffin Worthy of a Beautiful Mama!

Shopping for coffins.., that is one of the things that i never ever imagined myself doing. But today, i went shopping for coffins. Specifications; white, beautiful, comfortable and elegant, to begin with. That describes her to a T. You will be surprised the varieties people have to choose from.., what they do to your pockets, is a different story.
 In the midst of all this, all i could think of was how my Mama loved to look beautiful and young. I remember as we celebrated her 50th birthday, how she said she felt like she was 28 years even though she had just turned 50 in an ICU bed. We all laughed, then. But i knew she meant it. She was always young at heart.., full of energy and hope. She always gave people the benefit of doubt, and would always return good for evil. She genuinely laughed and was never a pretender. My mama loved life.., and put up a hell of a fight to have it. 
 So as we shopped for her clothes, coffins and accessories, my focus was to make her look beautiful. But i know that all things sweet and beautiful in this world could never measure to the sincere love and beauty that she poured into our lives upto her last breath. She opened her heart to everyone she met without limits, when she loved, she loved with all her soul. It was almost to a fault...and i and my sister count ourselves lucky to have been the objects of her affection.
She was one of the most amazing women that ever walked this earth, forgiving, loving, hardworking, strong and honest. She moved the world to give my sister and i a chance at life. She defied all odds and brought up a family that even the most accomplished women in the world just dream of...all by herself. A super woman.
Indeed she was a beautiful woman by all standards, and by God she deserves beautiful things.
Coffins were the last things i ever expected to window shop for.., but now am looking for one worthy of a beautiful Mama!


  1. Pole sana. All will be well. This is a beautiful tribute to a beautiful person...

  2. You got a big heart Maureen.....i continue to say pole pal!

  3. I am fighting tears Maureen.Beautiful piece for a life well lived..she is truly soaring with the angels. Find peace..it shall be well. Thinking of you now..bear hug mami.

  4. Beautiful Maureen, get a beautiful one. And do keep smiling, it has a way of reassuring the departed-I was told.

    1. My condolences Maureen, you're indeed a strong lady. Your mother was obviously a beautiful and courageous person. I wish I could have met her.. I will definitely keep you in prayers. Take heart dear. God will surely see you through this.

    2. I am trying so much to smile...even through the tears and anger. I know know it will be well someday.

  5. Nice piece Maureen. Be strong and may God keep your family together, give you the peace and comfort that friends and family will never provide. R.I.P to mum

  6. Asanteni. She was indeed a beautiful person.


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