What a day...

Today was the day i was supposed to raise 500,000/- Kenyan shillings within 24hrs!
My first reaction when i was told this by the hospital administration was to laugh it off...i mean, seriously? However, it did not take me long to realize i was the only one laughing.
So here i was...with the task of raising half a million in 24hrs. I could not believe it and yet i could clearly see that these people were serious.
My first reaction...was ACT! I went into action mode, listed all the places i could get this money, formulated texts and sent away. Secondly i called my famuliy members and presented the situation. It did not take log before i realized that nothing was gonna give
Second reaction...Pray! As usual i did not have words to express myself, so i just repeated the same line to God hoping that He could hear me and work out some miracle. All i got was silence and very many question marks that kept me awake the whole night.
Third reaction...Anger! To be frank, i was not expecting much from people, but i did expect a very huge miracle from God. I was so angry at God and the people around me that i could feel myself choking. I had so many questions with no answers...what was the reason why all this was happening? Did God really hear my cry? I understood why man could fail me...heck i had come to expect it from people, but God? I expected Him to move the world for me...after all isnt that what fathers do for their children?
Fourth reaction...Indifference! Well i finally reached the point where i expected anything, I did not care anymore. I was ready for whatever...whether it was taking my mum home, going to jail or having treatment terminated. Whatever God was going to allow to happen i was ready for it!
Well...nothing much happened today, but come to think of it, maybe that was God's way of answering my prayers. We were able to raise 35,000/-, most of which we used to take my mum for dialysis, so the hospital bill issue is still the same. The hospital credit controller has referred the issue to his boss and we now await the verdict!
All i pray for at this point is that the Lord's will be done...at least that, i can handle!


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