The Bitter sweet symphony...?!!

I have not had enough sleep the past three days...trying to raise half a million shillings. Mmmh, thinking of it now, i wonder what was going through the minds of people i was asking to assist me in this. Well, i guess most knew that we were fighting a losing battle..,just that they could not tell me.
So we did not manage to raise the money, and we had to face the music, good thing is the hospital agreed to release and another one agreed to take us in. Heheheh! It is such a funny game, this game of life. It is a maze...with ways open always, but where they lead to, you will be surprised.
It is during such times that you notice the cry babies, the tempered ones, and the ones with the God syndrome in the family. It is so amazing how the middle class (thats what i like to believe we are even though we can not afford the necessities of life) expect heaven to move for them. You find people who have been waiting the whole day for services and expect to be served before them, reason?, you are being admitted to the private ward! Heheheh, wasnt the shock on us? The so called private ward, is just like a secluded prison, no different from the other prisons, just that you are alone!
Oh, focusing on the positive, i made it for the interview today, and i really really pray that i get that job, God knows i need it, i need the change.
These are the times i wish my father was around. Whoever he is, wherever he is, i really pray that he finds his way to me. Not to give us financial assistance or take over, no, just to be here. It is such a tough world, this one to go it alone. And just for that, i must get married, and make it work.
The doctors say mama shows so much improvement. And that they are working out something to help make her better. Well, i hope God has not forgotten us, no, not us, her. And i really pray that my mum has not lost her faith, like me. I hope God understands, and hears me...even when i cant hear myself. And i really hope that he will not let me die inside... a despair i wouldnt wish on even my worst enemy.
And my sister, she has been amazing. If i was to live this life a second time, i would still want her to be my sister. She has given herself wholly, unselfishly to taking care of mama even when she is supposed to be in school. She has grown up, matured to an extent that she just amazes me. I really do pray that God has not forgotten her and that all this she is going through is not in vain.
Well, these past three days have been filled with tears and smiles, highs and lows, joy and sadness, but we have survived. We have made it through the bitter sweet symphony of what we call life at the moment.


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