"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
Isaiah 55:8

Two days ago, my mum got out of the ICU!

I am extremely grateful to my God and Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed the Lord is a mighty one, full of wonders and miraculous endeavors, His ways are indeed not our ways!

I remember a week ago, Saturday morning when she crashed,...her blood pressure went to zero, she could not breath and was bleeding without end. The doctors called it' Crash 22'. Everyone was so pessimistic. The hospital staff especially all seemed so sure that she was not going to make it!

The Hospital administrator called me to advise against life support saying that the time had come and that it was good to let go, after all, we will all die, she said.
The nurse in charge, too, called me to ask how i was doing and emphasized that i should be ready to let my mum go!
As i listened to all this advise and watched my grandmother and sister breakdown, all i could think about was whether this was how my mum was going to die!! Deep down in my heart, i knew it was not and in the midst of all the confusion, panic and hysteria i called out to my God, though to be frank, i really was not sure whether He could hear me!

ICU was a whole different story. They say that here, patients are nearer to God and he tells them 'I can see You!' Well, i tell you, it has to be is only when God can see you that you manage to get out of the ICU!! It was a week of anxiety, stress and desperation. We were often chased out and told that we could not see her as nurses and doctors ran up and down, in and out, whispering in loud voices.

It is funny that when you really need to pray that you do not have words to tell God. All i could utter during this whole ordeal was 'Please God heal my Mum'. No matter how hard i tried, i just had no other words to tell God.I just waited on Him.

So yesterday night was my turn to sleep with her at the hospital ward, after getting out of the ICU. It was such a wonderful experience. My mum was so happy to have me attend to her and i could tell that she had really missed us during her stint in ICU. Even in the midst of incoherent bubbles, coughing fits and weird demands, she kept on smiling and giggling. Looking at her then, i just could not believe how far and how much God had brought us and done for us!

As i write this, i am truly convinced that my Mum is going to be well. If God has done for us all those many things and walked with us through the shadow of death, why should He not heal my mother?


  1. God is in control. He is sovereign ... even in our pain, even in our troubles. Through it all, his love is transforming us, perfecting us, completing us.
    James 1:2-4
    Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

  2. Thanks Juliet...means alot, the encouragement


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