We Are Three!😂
Three years ago today, a colleague of mine pulled the Mrs. so and so card on me and it took a while to register that she was actually referring to me. So i politely batted my eye lids and asked her if she could refer to me with my REAL names please! heheh! To be honest, I forget am a wife sometimes! It took me exactly five years and maybe some days to move from stranger- to friend- to girlfriend- to fiance-and eventually wife. I sometimes wake up and stand in front of the mirror to look for changes that scream wife and so far except for the eruption of some chunky bits almost everywhere imaginable and the ring on my finger... I have not seen any, nor have i produced a following to prove that i am. I feel like it was just the other day this guy was darting lines my way that were just so hilariously lame that i actually fell for him. Just the other day.., and now here we are. Turns out i am Wife Material after all. And, it isn't running to the kitchen once th...