#Art4Leadership: An Afternoon of Music, Great Discussion and Inspiration

How Can Art Foster Sound Leadership?

A Musical Concert by Dowe Music in Collaboration with the YALI Network.
Performance: Dowe Music Led by Douglas
Guest Speaker: Maureen Changawa- Community Development Worker & 2017 Mandela Washington Fellow

“Art testifies to the power of imagination, the unique capacity of humans to project, to dream and to reflect things not only as they are but as they could be”- anonymous

It was around 2:30pm last Friday, the 19th of January, when I walked into the Kenya National Library Services- Nakuru Building to an Instrumental live performance of the Kenya National Anthem by the Dowe Music Team. From The ground floor, you could hear the soul lifting blend of about 8 instruments playing our national prayer in a somewhat sombre tone. It was beautiful! 

This was the beginning of an amazing concert of spoken word, music performances and discussions that focused on the contribution of Art to Sound Leadership, in our communities and the country as a whole.

Presentations included displays of entrepreneurial art, christian classics, and own compositions on governance and a hit reggae like rendition on rising up for Africa. It was awe inspiring, to say the least.

An as one of the participants put it, had it been church, he would have been touched to get saved. Better yet, it was an #Art4Leadership Concert, and at the end of the afternoon, everyone had been inspired for change.

When Douglas, Founder of Dowe Music, called to request if I could speak at the #Art4Leadership Concert, I was literally running out of my house, late for a family meeting. I absentmindedly listened as he explained to me what the concert was about and in less than a minute, I agreed to speak on Art for Leadership at the Concert. More often than not, I always say yes to things and figure out how to do them later. 

We agreed that he would send me all the details and what exactly I was to speak about, and I did not think about it again, until two days later when he sent me the poster for the event.

Here I was staring at the topic with no idea what it was I was going to tell the youth of Nakuru, a brilliant group of young people who I had had the opportunity to interact with for a while now.

History and Use of Art
As I was pondering about it, I decided to read, listen and watch almost anything I could find on the history of Art.

From the Caveman drawings, to religious art, to art for political propaganda and finally modern art as we know it.., it was very clear that Art had always been at the center of societal change. 

Art has been used to document things as they are, to project things as they could be and to inspire change. It has been used in Business and Advertising, Mass Media, Government, Religion among others. It has been used to sell ideas, to make messages more emotionally appealing, to foster creativity and also to entertain.

Art As Creation
As I read more about Art, I came across many amazing stories and inspiring messages about not only art, but the artist behind the works of Art. 

From these stories I learnt that an artist is a very interesting and awe inspiring character; this was someone who believed in his capability to not only imagine what could be, but to also create it. 

Just like Creation, where God said let there be light, and there was light, the artist also imagines what could be and before you know it, there is something where there once was nothing! Of course in the case of the Artist, this creation requires more than just the word of mouth and a little bit more effort.

From Artists we learn so many things, among them:

  •  Attitude- You have to believe that you can 
  • Vision- You must have a dream, you must know what your end goal is
  • Communication and Application- Express and generate what is within you
  • Commitment to excellence- Be committed. It does not mean the it will be easy, but stick at it, and soon enough you will have something worthwhile

“Art testifies to the power of imagination, the unique capacity of humans to project, to dream and to reflect things not only as they are but as they could be”

As young leaders, we learn from art the inherent gift of creation placed in us. That we have the capability to dream and create the world as we want it to be. 

I imagine God as an Artist who sat and dreamed of a world with plants, animals, the ocean, the sky and a beautiful sun hanging in the sky illuminating its beauty. And then He made it happen.

The creation process of Art and Music in particular, testifies that this divine capability also lies within us. So what is your dream? What is your vision? 

Whatever it is, know that you can make it happen. And as art demonstrates, you too can be a Co-Creator with God, and change this world.

So let’s dream people, let’s apply and let’s create.


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