Cheers to Birthdays, and Mamas!!!

A very early Happy, Birthday shout to me! 

I am officially in the late twenties bracket this month, yap late twenties. I know, I know, it feels old, and really grown up. And serious.
And it makes my stomach warm and squirmy. And I  don’t know why really, but it scares the hell out of me!

And it is on days like today that I really long for my Mum! Because of all things that my mama could do, the best was knowing how to make us feel better. Always!

I know today would have been an amazing day, if she were around. 

 She would have laughed and joked around about how old I am making her look. 
Am sure she would have made some impulsive decision to go eat out. Or better yet, she would have asked me to prepare things for her to make me her infamous Biriani,  and we would have had soda! Oh yeah, there had to be plenty of soda. With my Mum, it was never a celebration without soda. Ooh, how I miss that.

I am pretty sure she would have danced around to that 'Tobina' song, as she claimed that she was saved now and should dance only to Christian music. Hahahah!
She would have laughed. Laughed so hard and loud, as she made fun of how I cannot dance to save my life. :-)
And then asked my sister to join her in showing me how to move to the rhythm.
And they would dance for me, because of me.

And she would tell me stories of how when I was born, I had the tiniest nose and mouth, that she had asked the doctor if I was going to be able to breath!
Or how my aunt accidentally sat on me when I was a week old and how I got lost once when I was around five years.
Or how I grew a tooth in the middle of my upper jaw when I was seven, and how she woke up at night and found me asleep under the bed one night when I was just six months! (I like to believe that these stories were made up just to make me feel special.., if not, then i must have been such a weird baby!)

And eventually, she would have found a reason to call our dad, who would then be forced to wish me a happy birthday. Even sing it, if my Mum insisted. :-)

And I would feel special. 

With her, nothing was impossible, she made life seem so easy. You know, like it is all about waking up every morning and painting your colorful mark on this earth. It was so simple.

 Well, she is not around though. 

So today i pay my tribute to the Woman who single handedly held my world intact, my first love, the person who impacted in me courage and taught me that nothing is ever that bad, the one who i would literally do anything to see her face one more time today...

As i turn a year older, i want to take this opportunity to celebrate my mama for the amazing woman she was, and to remember the good moments we had.

Because honestly, i think birthday celebrations should be for mothers.  It is because of her sacrifice that i stand here today.

Like her, i want to laugh,  i want to embrace life and move with it, to live like i am dying this very moment, so that when my time comes, i am completely wasted! 

After all, i am my mother's daughter!
Thumbs up to you Mama!!! ;-) 

You are dearly missed. Beyond words! <3 <3 <3


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