My attempts at finding a life partner

Lately, I have developed quite a number of new hobbies that I strangely have come to love so much because they lend me some kind of badly needed escapism. And one of them is drinking wine! Yes...these days you want me in on your plots, bring along some wine and am taken.
So the other day, while having a good time over a few bottles of wine, we started discussing things to do with love and eventually marriage. What my friends kept on insisting is that marriage has nothing to do with love but everything to do with fondness and tolerance. Yes, Fondness and Tolerance! So disappointing, right? Well, all of life is, eventually, a disappointment in some way, so we have to deal with it.
 Now , it got me thinking, how does one go about selecting a life partner then? How do you know that he is the one to be fond with and tolerate?!!! I am not sure, but i thought it was worth sharing

So it took me down memory lane, looking at the trend that I have been setting , and here is how my attempt at choosing a life partner has been so far..

You know those dreams you have when growing up? Yes, those ones. Tall dark and handsome? Or some weird combinations of some sort, yeah?
Well the thing is, for me,  i always had a thing for overconfident, arrogant and too full of themselves guys. They always struck my eye...always drew me to them, maybe its some psychological issues about authority or something, am not sure, but they always made my blood rush.
And here is how it went...
There is one that i found in bed with his girl  'friend'...Oh, and by the way, i politely said hi to her after she was done.
There is this other one who was a pathological liar...he just had a habit of building castles in the air and actually living in them it was just so sad.
And another one who just could not control his tear buds...he broke down over any and all issues. I literally had to man up here.
Then there is the one who just did not have time for me...why i called him my boyfriend in the first place, i don't know.

And then there is the flavor of the moment. I just cant seem to sum him up really!!!
This guy i have been seeing  for 1,247 days now. is like forever, (and it is a first for me), yet I have never gotten to that point where i can say...i know this guy.

More than half of the time we have been together, we have been apart. Which to me is a good thing, because frankly, i just can not imagine seeing someone every weekend, or maybe everyday for 365 days in a year.
Growing up, I saw my 'father' averagely once in three years! So I think that explains my dilemma.
It would have been so boring i think. Which is one of the reasons why i keep having so many question marks about this marriage thing, but that is a topic for another day.

I just hope that eventually, i will end up with that one person who will be able to deliver on what it apparently is all about, be fond of me and tolerate my nonsense.


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