Love, men and competition

I have always been the type of girl who reads between the lines, even when there is nothing to read there. I really believe that people say a lot from what they are not saying...and that you can tell a lot about some one from the shape of their fingers, the shape of their necks, to the length and feel of their names.  Some one named Maureen would definitely have to be big bodied (from the length of the name) and grounded ( from the letter M, which is stable in its standing).

Reading between the lines, they say, can save you from a crappy relationship or a bad investment, you just have to be keen. And after watching quite too much of the Mentalist and Criminal minds kind of shows, i think i have perfected my art.Come to think of it, i probably should open a psychic shop ;-)

So the other day i was talking to this guy about this friend of his who had all of a sudden developed a certain interest on me. From nowhere, this person was everywhere i looked...from my fb page to my mails. So as usual whenever you see a new interest in your life, whom you do not know, you start doing some digging...stalking if you may. Until i found that this girl, yes it is a girl, went to school with my boyfriend.

Why was she interested in me? Maybe she was an ex? or a prospect who was checking out the competition while strategizing on how to overthrow me!!! Would she just woo herself in or was she the kind that would hire some thugs to beat me up? I could not help myself, so i decided to bring her up in the conversation.

So a few back and forths with explanations from him of how she is an innocent cute girl who was everyone's eye candy in campus, that he never pursued , i finally asked; 'Then why did you not pursue her?' The answer, (and here is where my reading between the lines came in), was, drum rolls......, and i quote "I do not like competition."

Poor guy, he really had no clue that he was digging his own grave!!!

Now, any girl would like to believe that there are hundreds, no, thousands of guys out there who are seated dreaming of making her their woman. Might not be true, but hey, we like to think it. And we do not want to hear otherwise. And here was this guy, telling me that he did not like competition and yet had ended up with me. Me me me!!!

So here is how my thought process went;

He is with me - yet he does not like competition = Me + No competition - No other guys interested

That is what he was saying without saying. That i was an easy target, that there weren't many that were interested in me. Which could mean that i was either hideous (read not beautiful), or not worthy of having guys chasing after me (read bad character and personality), BORING!. And that is where the problem begun.

Did he really mean that? How did he see me? What did he think about me? Was there really no competition to get me? And what did that say about me? The questions kept running in my head that it almost burst. I tossed and turned for days trying to ponder this out. And boy, was he in trouble.

I wanted to believe and prove that indeed i was that girl, the one that turns heads wherever they go and the kind that would have men ogling and falling before her all the time. I thought about it for a long time...and i have come to the conclusion that maybe he was indeed right.

At the end of the day,  men and women all over the world will go for someone that seems available and easy to get i think. Love is about that who is there, who is not taken and is accessible. Maybe that man or girl would not be yours had you thought that going after her would be in vain. And that any man and woman, really knows his potential and that by just one look, they can tell whether this is really their fight or not.

I have come to learn that men do not just enter the ring to fight for any girl that catches their fancy. Truth be told, many men will quietly leave the ring rather than stand up to a fight they are destined to loose. They will definitely pass many girls that they think are too good for them, but that does not mean that those they fight for are any less important, it just means that they are just right for them.

After all is said and done folks,with all its complications and hullabaloos, love always goes to the one who is available.

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