Playing life...!

Have you ever felt like you want to poke life? Like you want to do something so stupid and amazing that life will go like waaat? Yes, lately i have been feeling that way. I feel like this life has been pulling pranks on me, and asking me react to what it gives me, and i feel like a puppet. An angry puppet for that matter!!

So now, i have decided, i am going to have my own person, with a name, and a everything else, and get to know what it really means to own people! To control the strings. Exciting huh?! I know! And that's what makes it awesome ;-). I mean, if i can't have a say in my life, i might a well have a say in someone else's life...even if that someone is just a creation!

I know you will think i am weird...i know you will. But humor me if you will and join me in this adventure of a girl, lets call her Nadima, yes Nadima. So this girl Nadima, is say 26 years old, confused and just has no idea what she wants from life. She is an intelligent girl, just a little bit naive and very distrustful of people. She is by all means a good person, not religious good, but naturally and sincerely good. She is those people who are not neccesitated to be good because of the promise of heaven or the wrath of hell. She is just good, period!!!

Now in a normal world, it is extremely hard to find a genuinely good girl who is extremely beautiful. But this is my world, i make the rules and create the standards. So Nadima, is indeed also a very beautiful girl. Describing her beauty would in essence be doing a very big injustice to hers, because seriously, she is beyond human imagination!!!

So here, we have this beautiful girl with a golden heart, a Mijikenda Cinderella if you may, right? Hehehe! Am already loving it.

Now i do not know how and where life will take this girl, but am surely excited to know how it is to hold someones life in your hands. To pull the strings, and rock the watch them smile and laugh, to watch them when they are on top of the world and also to see them fall and weep, broken and then see the magic of healing and rising up once again. All on my own terms! Yes, my terms.

I know, i am really at the risk of sounding like some freak, but please join me as we try to find out, really what life has in store for Nadima. This beautiful and amazing creation of mine, in my perfect world.


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